Shipping and Returns policy for online and all other shipped orders:
Unfortunately we do not accept returns or exchanges on shipped product. Because of this please ask as many questions as you would like prior to making a purchase. We will gladly take all the time we can to make sure we get you what you are looking for. Alternatively, please come in to one of our stores and try on our product.
And, although online sales are final sales we must also repeat for hygienic reasons sales are always final on earrings, any items used on your feet such as thigh highs and underwear.
Shipping and Returns policy for in store purchases:
Exchange or credit only within 14 days of purchase (in store only, no mail ins) unused and accompanied by original receipt. For hygienic reasons sales are always final on earrings, any items used on your feet such as thigh highs and underwear. Sales are also always final on discounted and promotional items.